Prohibiting the Training of Deer Hunting Dogs and the Use of Dogs to Chase Coyotes, Fox and Hogs on the Kisatchie National Forest from March 1 through September 30

WHEREAS, the Kisatchie National Forest (KNF) is the only public hunting area in Louisiana where dogs are allowed for the hunting of deer during certain periods of the hunting season, and

WHEREAS, KNF is the only public hunting area in Louisiana where the running of dear-hunting dogs nearly year-round is allowed, and

WHEREAS, KNF is the only public hunting area in Louisiana where dogs are allowed to pursue unregulated quadrupeds (coyotes and hogs) nearly year-round, and

WHEREAS, the running of chase dogs like deer dogs, fox dogs, coyote dogs and hog dogs during Spring can adversely impact reproduction in various wildlife species (by disturbing pregnant does, nesting turkeys, etc.), and

WHEREAS, the running of chase dogs during Summer can adversely impact reproduction in various wildlife species (by negatively influencing fawn survival, turkey poult survival, etc.), and

WHEREAS, the game species’ populations on Kisatchie National Forest are below carrying capacity, and

WHEREAS, prohibiting the running of deer, fox, coyote and hog dogs during Spring and Summer might increase the populations of game species available on KNF for hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts, and

WHEREAS, KNF would still remain the only public hunting area in Louisiana which allows the running of deer, fox, coyote and hog dogs during Fall and Winter.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation urges the Kisatchie National Forest to prohibit the running of dogs from March I S‘ through September 30th each year.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, March 12, 2000 in Alexandria, Louisiana

Resolution #:18D, 2000
Date Proposed:03/12/2000
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