Louisiana Wildlife Federation’s Annual Conservation Achievement Awards
For 58 years, Louisiana Wildlife Federation has recognized individuals, businesses, and organizations in Louisiana that have made outstanding contributions to the natural resource welfare and environmental quality of their community, parish, and the state each year. The Federation recently added a Lifetime Achievement Award. This prestigious award will honor an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership, and sustained contributions to the field of wildlife conservation in Louisiana.
Nominations are now open for all ten categories of Louisiana Wildlife Federation’s 59th Conservation Achievement Awards. Nominations are due by February 24, 2025.
Conservation Achievement Categories:
- Professional - For outstanding accomplishments by a person who, in a compensated professional capacity, has made a significant contribution to the management, enhancement, or protection of Louisiana's fish, wildlife, air, water, soil, or forest resources or related recreational opportunities.
- Volunteer - For outstanding achievement during the year in the management, enhancement, or protection of Louisiana's fish, wildlife, air, water, soil or forest resources or related recreational opportunities by a person acting in a volunteer capacity.
- Business - For significant achievement by a business in pollution abatement, land use planning and management, conservation education/awareness, habitat stewardship including providing lands for wildlife conservation and public recreation, etc.
- Educator - For outstanding performance in conservation education by a professional or volunteer. Instructors of hunter safety and outdoor ethics are eligible in this category as are teachers of the natural sciences, fish and wildlife management, environmental design and management, various aspects of environmental education, etc. Emphasis should be on teaching and working with students or the public rather than on research or administration.
- Elected Official - For outstanding conservation achievement by a local, state or federal elected official. All Louisiana elected officials, except the Governor, are eligible in this category.
- Communications - For outstanding work by a writer, reporter, radio or TV broadcaster, photographer, artist, cartoonist, radio or TV station, newspaper, website, social media site, or other publication in creating public awareness of the importance of environmental quality and natural resource conservation or making a significant contribution toward the solution of a major conservation problem in the state.
- Organization - For outstanding conservation achievement by a state or local organization, including but not limited to civic organizations, environmental groups, sportsmen's clubs, garden clubs, etc., in addressing significant natural resource management and environmental quality challenges.
- Youth - For outstanding conservation work by a youngster (18 years of age or younger). The winner should have demonstrated leadership and accomplishment in any phase of conservation, and this can include an outdoor recreation component.
- Youth Organization - For outstanding conservation work by a youth group. The winner should have demonstrated leadership and accomplishment in any phase of conservation, and this can include an outdoor recreation component.
- Lifetime Achievement - Honors an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership, and sustained contributions to the field of wildlife conservation in Louisiana.
Nominations are now open for all ten categories of Louisiana Wildlife Federation’s 59th Conservation Achievement Awards. Nominations are due by February 24, 2025.
Each honoree will receive a handsome wildlife statuette. Recipients will be honored at a banquet in Baton Rouge on April 25, 2025.
Program Rules and Procedures for 2024
1) Winners may not be named in every category. Recognition will be based primarily on accomplishments during 2024. Prior records may be considered, but this will be left up to the judges. Immediate past winners are not eligible to succeed themselves in the same category of accomplishment for which they were recognized the previous year.
2) Nominations may be submitted via the LWF website at lawildlifefed.org by the deadline of February 24, 2025. An email with all relevant documents may also be emailed to lwf@lawildlifefed.org if the website form is not working.
3) An essay of achievements for the nominee, not to exceed 1500 words, is required. The essay should describe the nominee’s accomplishments in 2024 (and previous years if relevant), including A) an explanation of their significance or impact and B) why the nominee’s accomplishments are important and worthy of recognition. Information such as past recognition, organization memberships, etc. may be appended to the essay. Documentation of accomplishments such as news articles, letters of support, photos, etc. should be included as a supplement to the essay. If a nomination is submitted for more than one category, a separate nomination form and complete essay must be submitted for each category entered. If available, please include a photograph of the nominee with the nomination.
4) Nominations that do not meet all standards and criteria will be returned to sender to be resubmitted with appropriate additions/modifications. Program judges may declare any nomination ineligible if proper documentation and supportive materials are not included. The decision of the judging committees will be final.
5) For the Lifetime Achievement Award established in 2023, view the criteria for which nominations will be judged here.
59th Conservation Achievement Award Banquet Sponsors
- Mike & MC Stewart
- Rapides Wildlife Association
- Friends of Black Bayou National Refuge