Our Mission
To be the voice of Louisiana’s wildlife and natural resources
Our Vision
Louisiana is a thriving wildlife paradise
Our Principles
- Conserve Louisiana’s natural resources with emphasis on wildlife and their habitats
- Engage outdoor enthusiasts who reflect the unique diversity of Louisiana
- Advance sound, scientifically established resource management principles
- Promote conservation management and policies through education and advocacy

Promote and Defend Louisiana’s Habitats and Wildlife Recovery
Louisiana’s wildlife depends on healthy, sustainable habitats that are increasingly vulnerable to climate change, shifting land uses, expanding energy technology, and urban development. To reverse declines in the state’s native plants and animals and sustain longterm biodiversity, we must support and promote ecosystem-level conservation management priorities. Addressing coastal land loss is vital to recreational and agricultural interests and the state’s more than $1 billion per year seafood industry. Conserving native pine and coastal forests is essential to protecting not only wildlife but significant economic drivers in local communities.
- Promote evidence-based habitat management practices, including priority of habitat for threatened and endangered species and wetlands and forest restoration
- Advance federal, state, and private priorities to protect and restore coastal ecosystems
- Work with partners to educate the public on ecosystem restoration and biodiversity for long-term sustainability
- Enhance our education and outreach programs to build a larger coalition of supporters
- Convene policymakers, conservationists and academia to increase stakeholder awareness about conservation issues
- Celebrate individuals and organizations that are effectively promoting and defending Louisiana’s habitats and wildlife recovery

Lead in Protecting our Most Precious Resource: Water
Louisiana’s reputation as Sportsman’s Paradise is integrally tied to the state’s abundance of bayous, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and offshore waters that support the diversity of wildlife species and the natural resources we enjoy. Our citizens need clean water to drink and our agriculture and manufacturing industries depend on an abundance of water to sustain their operations. Over time, many of our water bodies and aquifers have been degraded, and often diminished, as a direct or indirect consequence of human use. The effects from pollution, overuse, and lenient regulation can have severe and permanent impacts on wildlife and recreational use. LWF will be a leading voice in protecting and conserving the quality and quantity of our state’s waters to sustain healthy wildlife populations, ensure sustainable communities and stimulate a dynamic economy.
- Align our education and outreach programs to build support for water protection and conservation
- Advocate for management of surface water that includes the needs of wildlife and ecosystem sustainability and monitor changes in policies and statutes that affect water management in Louisiana
- Advance the interests of Louisiana’s coastal restoration needs in water management planning at the local, state and regional levels
- Ensure adequate regulatory protection of Louisiana’s wetlands to sustain habitats and wildlife
- Support a watershed approach to flood management policy to ensure sustainability and resiliency for Louisiana’s waters and wetlands
- Promote soil health in agricultural practices which has significant impacts on water quality
- Protect Louisiana’s Scenic Rivers from being delisted

Advocate for Conservation Funding
The crisis facing our nation’s fish and wildlife is daunting. More than one-third of all species in the United States are at risk of becoming threatened or endangered unless we proactively implement on-the-ground conservation measures. To reverse the decline in wildlife in Louisiana specifically, we must have adequate resources to support the agencies entrusted with managing our natural resources and engage in opportunities for conservation in the private sector. As the voice for Louisiana’s wildlife, LWF will advocate for increased and more sustainable funding for conservation.
- Mobilize support for passage of state and federal wildlife conservation legislation efforts to fully fund state and federal programs and agencies working on wildlife and conservation issues
- Mobilize support for increased state and federal funding to restore and sustain the state’s coast, streams, lakes, and forests
- Partner with agencies to ensure efficient and effective use of conservation funding

Monitor Energy Technology Development Projects to Reduce Impact on Habitats and Wildlife
International, national, and state commitments to reduce greenhouse emissions and the country’s reliance on fossil fuels is dramatically increasing the speed of energy technology development in Louisiana. Industrial adoption of carbon capture and sequestration processes and advancements in the use of liquified natural gas (LNG), solar and wind technology will see growth in inland and coastal projects threatening Louisiana’s vulnerable habitats and wildlife. LWF must remain vigilant and engaged in research, policy debates and regulatory decisionmaking to ensure the state’s natural resources are preserved for future generations.
- Collaborate with policymakers, conservationists, academia, and the public to increase stakeholder awareness about the impact of energy technology development projects
- Promote sensible, evidence based science on the effects of energy technology developments such as wind, solar, hydrogen, hydroelectric, LNG, biomass, carbon management, and nuclear on state’s habitats and wildlife
- Provide timely, thoughtful input relative to energy technology development plans through public comments, position statements, and resolutions
- Create a fellowship to support analysis of science and policy research

Maintain a Strong and Sustainable Organization
Louisiana Wildlife Federation enjoys the support of a large membership and committed core of volunteer leaders, a positive and non-partisan reputation among stakeholders, and a track record of protecting Louisiana’s wildlife and habitats. In order to continue this progress and support a sustained growth model, the organization must broaden its membership base, increase its visibility, and modernize its governance model. Intentional efforts to reflect the diversity of the state, sustain a pipeline of new board members, and elevate the organization’s public profile will ensure the long-term sustainability of LWF and its mission and vision of Louisiana as a thriving wildlife paradise.
- Restructure governance model to increase diversity, technical expertise, regional participation, and ensure a continuous pipeline of active board members
- Recruit, train and engage a younger generation of conservationists
- Foster volunteer advocacy opportunities to engage members to advance goals
- Raise LWF visibility among general public, policymakers, decision-makers and other conservation groups
- Communicate LWF successes and accomplishments
- Invest resources and energy in a manner that advances LWF strategic goals
- Diversify revenue streams to sustain operations and programming