Hunting and Fishing Education Advisory Council

WHEREAS, many Louisiana voters have limited knowledge of the benefits of hunting and fishing on the local and national economy, and

WHEREAS, many Louisiana citizens who do not hunt or fish are being told that hunters and fishermen are bloodthirsty killers who intend to eliminate wildlife species, and

WHEREAS, a Hunting/Fishing Education Advisory Council (Council) could greatly enhance the knowledge of the people who vote on game laws, taxes and license fees, and

WHEREAS, anti-hunting laws have recently passed in other states, and

WHEREAS, a Council would provide public awareness that fees, taxes and traditional annual expenditures of hunters and anglers provide financial support for the management offish and wildlife resources, habitat conservation and management, the enforcement of fish and wildlife laws, and contribute to the local and national economy.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation supports the establishment of a Hunting/Fishing Education Advisory Council comprised of a cross section of sportsmen/women and representatives of hunting and fishing products/services industries with the goal of educating the public to the benefits of hunting and fishing as management tools and as activities that make enormous contributions to the local and national economies.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, 62nd Annual Meeting, March 4, 2001 in Many, Louisiana.

Resolution #:18E, 2001
Date Proposed:03/04/2001
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