State Management Plan for the Control of Invasive Non-indigenous Species

WHEREAS, Louisiana’s flora, fauna, public health and its natural environment have suffered in the past and will continue to be challenged by the serious impacts of invasive, non-indigenous species, and

WHEREAS, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has been named by the Governor as the lead agency in forming a multi-discipline task force to develop a State Invasive Species Management Plan (SISIO), and

WHEREAS, the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 called for development of state plans for controlling aquatic nuisance species, and federal funds are now available to cost-share the implementation of SISMPs.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation supports the development of a comprehensive state management plan for preventing introductions of invasive, non-indigenous species, limiting the spread of established populations, and reducing the adverse ecological, economic, social and public health impacts created by invasive non-indigenous species in Louisiana.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, 3 March 2002, in Marksville, Louisiana.

Resolution #:18C, 2002
Date Proposed:03/03/2002
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