Tax Incentives for Shrimp Trawlers (for implementing conservation measures)

WHEREAS, the TED ( turtle excluder device) regulations cause an annual negative impact to Louisiana’s coastal economy in excess of 100 million dollars per year, and

WHEREAS, the Kemps Ridley sea turtle population is recovering faster than projected and may be taken off the Endangered Species List in the foreseeable future, and

WHEREAS, the shrimp industry alone has had to bear the cost of turtle recovery, and

WHEREAS, Senator Breaux and Congressman Tauzin are considering legislation to provide incentives for shrimpers to reduce the negative economic impact that compliance with TED and bycatch reduction device (BRD) regulations has had on the shrimp industry.

TI-ŒREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation supports the efforts of Senator Breaux and Congressman Tauzin to establish tax incentives for shrimpers who implement measures that will lead to reduction in turtle losses due to bycatch.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, 3 March 2002, in Marksville, Louisiana

Resolution #:9E, 2002
Date Proposed:03/03/2002
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