WHEREAS, Governor Bobby Jindal has recently issued Executive Order No. BJ 2008-8 – Green Government, establishing state policy on energy efficiency and conservation, and waste management and recycling practices by state agencies, and

WHEREAS, municipal solid waste generation is a major contributor to the global problem of excess garbage and trash currently disposed of in landfill operations, and

WHEREAS, a large percentage of the waste stream waste consists of recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, copper, and tin, and

WHEREAS, there are currently many successful, and profitable municipal recycling  programs in operation throughout the state and the nation, illustrating that effective recycling programs are feasible if designed, promoted and managed properly, and

WHEREAS, there is a huge variation in the availability and comprehensiveness of recycling programs among communities in the state, from popular single-stream curbside recycling operations that enjoy strong citizen participation to “Maw Maw, where should I put my empty soda can for recycling like we do at home?”  “Aw, baby, just throw it in the trash, it all goes out with the garbage here in _________.”, and

WHEREAS, every citizen of this state and especially our children have a stake in the outcome of our waste management practices, pollution and its effects on the environment, but many residents of our state are not afforded the means to conveniently contribute to the conservation effort through an effective community recycling program, and

WHEREAS, municipal governments, managing cities of sufficient size and populations to support a viable recycling program, should be obliged to afford their citizens the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive recycling program including “curbside” pick-up as well as managed drop off sites.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation commends Governor Jindal for issuing Executive Order No. NO. BJ2008-8 – Green Government, and urges that he consider expanding that order to direct the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality to develop and implement a plan, in cooperation with local governments, to make comprehensive recycling programs conveniently available to citizens in all communities in the state.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, March 16, 2008 in New Iberia, Louisiana.

Resolution #:4B, 2008
Date Proposed:03/16/2008
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