84th Annual Convention Held August 19, 2023
Our 84th Annual Convention and General Assembly was held at the historic Hotel Bentley in Alexandria, LA August 18-19. The convention began with a meeting of LWF’s Board of Directors on Friday, followed by a evening social, where local supporters were able to engage in informal discussions with board members, staff, and affiliate organizations.
More than 60 board members, affiliate representatives, members, and guests convened Saturday for the 2023 General Assembly. Along with swearing in this year’s slate of officers and executive committee members, staff and board members led policy discussions on wind energy, carbon sequestration, and a “Lights Out for Migratory Birds” initiative. NWF board member, Allyn Dukes and NWF staff member, Geralyn Hoey, also provided updates from the National Wildlife Federation. You can learn more about these topics and LWF’s position at Lawildlifefed.org/resolutions.
The highlight of the General Assembly was the presentation of the President’s Cup to Charles Williams for his tireless efforts to conserve Louisiana wildlife and habitats. This is the third time Charles as been awarded the President’s Cup over his 14 years of service to LWF. To celebrate and honor this incredible achievement, Charles was given a cup worthy of his accomplishment.
To cap off the two-day event, attendees were invited on an exclusive field trip to nearby Kisatchie National Forest to see first-hand the endangered species recovery efforts for red-cockaded woodpeckers and the Louisiana pine snake.