Submit Your Nomination for the 2024 Louisiana Wildlife Federation Conservation Achievement Awards Online!
Deadline For Nominations has been EXTENDED. The Deadline now is February 24, 2025
Program Rules and Procedures for 2024
1) Winners may not be named in every category. Recognition will be based primarily on accomplishments during 2024. Prior records may be considered, but this will be left up to the judges. Immediate past winners are not eligible to succeed themselves in the same category of accomplishment for which they were recognized the previous year.
2) Nominations may be submitted via the LWF website at by the deadline of February 24, 2025. An email with all relevant documents may also be emailed to if the website form is not working.
3) An essay of achievements for the nominee, not to exceed 1500 words, is required. The essay should describe the nominee’s accomplishments in 2024 (and previous years if relevant), including A) an explanation of their significance or impact and B) why the nominee’s accomplishments are important and worthy of recognition. Information such as past recognition, organization memberships, etc. may be appended to the essay. Documentation of accomplishments such as news articles, letters of support, photos, etc. should be included as a supplement to the essay. If a nomination is submitted for more than one category, a separate nomination form and complete essay must be submitted for each category entered. If available, please include a photograph of the nominee with the nomination.
4) Nominations that do not meet all standards and criteria will be returned to sender to be resubmitted with appropriate additions/modifications. Program judges may declare any nomination ineligible if proper documentation and supportive materials are not included. The decision of the judging committees will be final.
5) For the Lifetime Achievement Award established in 2023, view the criteria for which nominations will be judged here.