A Plan of Action for Louisiana’s Feral Hog Invasion

WHEREAS, feral hog (Susscrofa) populations are expanding within North America via their high reproductive potential and climate/landscape tolerance (while population estimates are difficult to determine, experts believe that North America is home to up to 6 million feral hogs); and

WHEREAS, according to the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, feral hog populations in the United States have irrupted in the last 30 years and, based on current estimates, population numbers are on a fast track to double in the near future; and

WHEREAS, Louisiana’s feral hog population is also expanding at an alarming rate with environmental and economic impacts reported from all portions of the State; and

WHEREAS, reproductive proficiency combined with an absence of natural predators has allowed some feral populations to double in as little as four months; and

WHEREAS, no other domesticated animal becomes feral so easily and survives more adaptively; and

WHEREAS, damage in North America to natural and agricultural resources by feral hogs approaches $1.5 billion annually; and

WHEREAS, 45 U.S. States and 4 Canadian Provinces are currently grappling with the environmental and financial calamity brought about by the feral hogs within their borders; and

WHEREAS, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Louisiana have data showing feral hog related resource concerns are deemed high priority as reported by private landowners (clients) through the locally led conservation process for the past five years; and

WHEREAS, according to Texas University and A&M College, wetlands and riparian areas suffer the most damage, and these wet areas also are experiencing increased bacterial contamination in the form of E. coli and fecal coliform; and
WHEREAS, researchers at the USDA National Wildlife Disease Center note the possibly insurmountable challenge of controlling an “accidental or intentional outbreak of a foreign animal disease, such as foot and mouth, rinderpest, African swine fever or classical swine fever” if those diseases were ever to find their way into feral hog populations; and

Resolution No. 9C, 2013 – FERAL HOGS, Page 2

WHEREAS, the feral hog competes with native wildlife and destroys habitats through rooting, its impact is not restricted to increased competition or habitat destruction; feral hogs can carry 30 diseases (swine brucellosis and pseudo-rabies being two of most concern) and 37 parasites, of which some are transmissible to domestic livestock, wildlife, and humans; and

WHEREAS, the increasing feral hog population represents a significant threat to the agricultural economy, the natural resource base, and human health; and

WHEREAS, many agencies, organizations and universities in Louisiana are dealing with feral hog populations and their impact, and/or are involved in their eradication; and

WHEREAS, coordinated, multi-agency/multi-organizational efforts have proven successful in reducing feral hog populations; and

WHEREAS, for successful feral hog eradication and control, management MUST be integrated across land ownerships and jurisdictions; and 

WHEREAS, at the NWF annual meeting in May 2012, a unanimous resolution passed calling for the close coordination and cooperation between federal agriculture and wildlife management programs and those of responsible state agencies to provide educational programs to hunters and landowners regarding the destructive impacts of this non-native invasive species and strategies for their management, and to effect policies and programs aimed at reducing and eradicating feral swine populations.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation recommends that all the applicable state and federal government agencies, conservation organizations, business entities and universities of Louisiana take actions that protect the rich and abundant natural resources by signing on to a Memorandum of Understanding and develop a ten year plan of action to document a coordinated approach, beginning in priority areas and eventually moving statewide, with each entity bringing adequate resources and services to combat the invasion of feral hogs.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, February 24, 2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The Louisiana Wildlife Federation is a statewide conservation education and advocacy organization with more than 8,500 members and 25 affiliate groups. Established in 1940, it is affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation and represents a broad constituency of conservationists including hunters, fishers, campers, birders, boaters, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Resolution #:9C, 2013
Date Proposed:
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