WHEREAS, there are many aspects that comprise or contribute to a satisfying hunting experience, and although some are individual to the traditions, heritage and capacity to enjoy the outdoors, of each hunter, essentially universal attributes of a satisfying hunt include seeing game and the opportunity to harvest the legal daily limit; and

WHEREAS, hunter satisfaction is an important factor in maintaining current hunter participation and in recruiting new hunters; and

WHEREAS, hunting pressure, defined as the number and distribution of hunters hunting in any given area at any given time, can negatively affect hunter satisfaction, if excessive, that is, sufficient to move game out of the area and/or change its behavior such that it becomes largely unavailable for harvest; and

WHEREAS, hunting pressure is caused by the act of hunting and, if not excessive, can contribute to hunter satisfaction by causing game to move, thereby increasing the chance of harvest; and

WHEREAS, hunting pressure has been cited by some as a reason for reduced hunter success (decline in harvest rate) and hunter dissatisfaction, and suggestions have been made to further restrict hunting hours and restrict the days within a season that are available for hunting as possible remedies to reduce hunting pressure/increase hunter satisfaction; and

WHEREAS, reducing hunting hours and days to address hunting pressure also reduces the opportunity to hunt; and

WHEREAS, the effect of hunting pressure on hunter satisfaction is primarily a social issue – its impact on game is ameliorated by regulations such as season lengths and legal shooting hours, and the availability of state, federal and private wildlife refuges; and

WHEREAS, there is merit in evaluating the current state of waterfowl hunting pressure in Louisiana and the impact it may be having on waterfowl behavior and hunter satisfaction, and methods for managing waterfowl hunting pressure that may achieve greater hunter satisfaction without unduly reducing hunting opportunity.

Resolution No. 16C, 2013 – WATERFOWL HUNTING PRESSURE, Page 2

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) urges the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) to assess and evaluate waterfowl hunting pressure in the state and its impact on hunter satisfaction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LWF requests the LDWF to consider methods to manage waterfowl hunting pressure and advise waterfowl hunters of such methods it deems effective and feasible to implement.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, February 24, 2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The Louisiana Wildlife Federation is a statewide conservation education and advocacy organization with more than 8,500 members and 25 affiliate groups. Established in 1940, it is affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation and represents a broad constituency of conservationists including hunters, fishers, campers, birders, boaters, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Resolution #:16C, 2013
Date Proposed:02/24/2013
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