WHEREAS, False River Lake, a natural Mississippi River oxbow located in Pointe Coupee Parish, has been a very popular fishing destination for many decades, and

WHEREAS, siltation has adversely impacted water quality, eliminated native aquatic vegetation, and buried substrate spawning habitat for nesting sport fish in False River Lake, and

WHEREAS, commercial netting was prohibited on False River Lake in 1991 in conjunction with a trophy largemouth bass management program, and

WHEREAS, due to the overall declining bass population, trophy status for largemouth bass was rescinded for False River Lake in 1998; however, the net ban remained in place, and

WHEREAS, inland fisheries biologists with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) have determined that an overabundance of large fish species including buffalos, freshwater drum, and carps are contributing to the False River Lake habitat problem, and

WHEREAS, the presence of grass carp in the Lake has been documented since the late 1980’s, and the introduction of this invasive fish was never authorized by LDWF, and

WHEREAS, currently there is less than 5% coverage of aquatic vegetation in the Lake, and

WHEREAS, commercial species of fish are managed to provide a sustainable population, and

WHEREAS, the LDWF and the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, as part of a larger plan to address these issues, have proposed a commercial netting season to run from the first day of November through the last day of February, each year, and

WHEREAS, this proposed netting season is identical to long standing regulations for Lake Providence and Lake Bruin, and

WHEREAS, the 3 ½” minimum net mesh size in the proposal is larger than the statewide legal minimum of 3”, which will result in a considerable reduction in sport fish by-catch, and

WHEREAS, allowing limited commercial net fishing in False River Lake will allow utilization of an overabundant resource and provide many benefits to the lake’s habitat and recreational fishery, with minimal impact to other users.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) supports the proposal by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to establish a recurring commercial net season on False River Lake in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, March 11, 2012 in Covington, Louisiana.

The Louisiana Wildlife Federation is a statewide conservation education and advocacy organization with more than 10,000 members and 26 affiliate groups. Established in 1940, it is affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation and represents a broad constituency of conservationists including hunters, fishers, campers, birders, boaters, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Resolution #:10C, 2012
Date Proposed:03/11/2012
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