Costs/Benefits of a Deer Tagging Program

WHEREAS, legislation was proposed during the 2001 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature to provide for a tagging program for deer, but failed to pass, and

WHEREAS, there seems to be a lot of sentiment both for and against requiring deer tags among the deer hunters of Louisiana, and

WHEREAS, there are a number of questions that should be answered before a deer tagging program is developed and deer tags are required including: How will it improve deer hunting and the deer herd in the state? How will it facilitate deer management by the Louisiana

Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF)? How much will it cost the sportsmen/women of Louisiana to implement a deer tagging program? Where will the funds come from, or be taken from? How will it be implemented/administered?, and

WHEREAS, the most prominent argument offered in support of the deer tagging legislation last year seemed to be that it would facilitate the enforcement of the season limit on deer and help the LDWF address complaints accusing persons of harvesting in excess of the season limit, and

WHEREAS, prior to advancing legislation or proposing regulations that would require deer tags, it would be reasonable to expect the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to provide an assessment of the costs and benefits attributable to a deer tagging program from LDWF’s professional staff of biologists and enforcement officers, and to hold public meetings to solicit the opinions of deer hunters, and

WHEREAS, considering that the LDWF is under a head count limitation by the Governor’s Office and the agency continues to be financially strapped, it is imperative that any new program satisfy a real resource management and constituent need.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation requests that, if the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission proposes regulations to establish a deer tagging program, it provide a thorough assessment of the costs and benefits of such a program for public review, and receive public comment prior to adopting deer tagging regulations.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, 3 March 2002, in Marksville, Louisiana.

Resolution #:20A, 2002
Date Proposed:03/03/2002
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