WHEREAS, in addition to the public lands made available for outdoor recreation by the Louisiana Office of State Parks and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, the state and its agencies own considerable acreage that is suitable for public hunting, birding, hiking, horse riding and/or similar outdoor activities, but that has not been designated or made available for such uses, and
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development is one such agency that owns acreage that could be made available for public wildlife-related recreation, and
WHEREAS, escalating recreational land use values and lease fees have precluded the enjoyment of wild lands for many who can’t afford the cost of leasing, and the high demand for private hunting privileges has reduced the amount of land available for outdoor recreation, regardless of the ability to pay for it, and
WHEREAS, to provide more opportunities to enjoy wildlife and wildlife habitat close to home it would be helpful for the state to inventory and mark the boundaries of all lands of sufficient size, quality, location and configuration to provide public hunting, birding, hiking, horse riding and/or similar outdoor recreation opportunities, and designate them for the appropriate public uses.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation urges the State of Louisiana to inventory all state-owned lands that are of sufficient size, quality, location and configuration to support public hunting, birding, hiking, horse riding and/or similar outdoor recreation opportunities, and that are not currently open to the public for one or more of these uses, mark the boundaries and open them for compatible outdoor recreational use by the public.
Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, 62nd Annual Meeting, March 4, 2001 in Many, Louisiana.