WHEREAS, participation in recreational fishing and recruitment of young people into the sport is declining in Louisiana, and
WHEREAS, many people start out fishing as kids, in places that they can travel to and access on their own, and
WHEREAS, many people in Louisiana do not own a boat and therefore must fish from the bank, and
WHEREAS, such fishing opportunities in urban areas are often lacking, and
WHEREAS, creating and enhancing close-to-home, easily accessible fishing opportunities will encourage recruitment of new anglers and reengagement of former anglers in the sport, and
WHERAS, sustaining and increasing the population of anglers in Louisiana will promote conservation of aquatic resources and support for their management.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) urges the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) to develop a Neighborhood Fishing Program, based on a formal, written implementation plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LWF urges the LDWF to consider the following in developing the Neighborhood Fishing Program: establishment of criteria for inclusion of a body of water in the program; listing and evaluation of sites such as city park lakes or borrow pits in or near urban areas statewide; obtaining permission from willing landowners and agencies such as DOTD, levee boards, etc. as required; developing and implementing intensive management plans to include liming, fertilizing, feeding and stocking of easily managed species such as channel catfish, hybrid bream, etc.; and providing site amenities such as lighting, fishing piers, fish attractors, trash receptacles, etc.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LWF urges the LDWF to act as the lead agency in this effort and identify partner agencies, local governments, organizations, or other potential sources of funding, labor, and services.
Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, March 1, 2009 in West Monroe, Louisiana