WHEREAS, it is well accepted within the world’s scientific community that sea levels and temperatures are rising globally and that our global climate is changing due to excessive emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gases, and

WHEREAS, with hundreds of miles of coastline and thousands of square miles of  fragile low-lying coastal wetlands that are important to both the state and nation’s economy, Louisiana is more at-risk to the effects of rising sea levels and violent tropical storms than most other states, and

WHEREAS, a significant economic benefit of Louisiana’s at-risk low lying coastal wetlands derives from their productivity as fish and wildlife habitats and the commercial and recreational uses of their dependent natural resources, and

WHEREAS, more than 75 percent of Louisiana’s electricity is generated by fossil fuels which contribute greatly to the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, and

WHEREAS, Louisiana ranks third among the fifty states in per capita energy consumption, and

WHEREAS, Louisiana has substantial bioenergy potential due to its productive agriculture and

forestry industries, and considerable potential for the generation of power from wind and solar energy provided disincentives are removed and incentives applied, and

WHEREAS, current means are available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Louisiana, and

WHEREAS, mitigation in the form of enhancing carbon sequestration is an important way to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and

WHEREAS, other coastal states such as Florida, California, and North Carolina have adopted renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission reduction standards, and

WHEREAS, the actions Louisiana takes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in concert with  actions taken elsewhere in the United States and the world could significantly reduce the potential for adverse climate change impacts in Louisiana, and

WHEREAS, because of our rapid loss of coastal wetlands and the potential exacerbation of this crisis from rising sea levels caused by a warming climate, Louisiana should lead by example in the fight against global climate change by reducing our own emissions of greenhouse gases and demonstrating the economic value of such reductions.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) commends Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, for his vision and wisdom in recognizing that energy efficiency and conservation are essential components of responsible fiscal management, by issuing Executive Order No. BJ 2008-8 which promotes the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, waste management and recycling, and other conservation measures by the state agencies under his direction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LWF, for the intended purpose of reducing Louisiana’s greenhouse gas emissions, does hereby urge and request Governor Bobby Jindal to issue an Executive Order to establish specific goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the state and develop a plan for reducing such emissions that includes the increased use of renewable/clean energy sources and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for significant sources of such emissions including public utilities and industrial producers of electricity.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LWF urges the Governor to establish a full-time coordinator in his office to be responsible for developing the plan in cooperation with all state departments and to take actions needed to increase Louisiana’s carbon sequestration through reforestation and other resource management practices.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, March 16, 2008 in New Iberia, Louisiana.


Resolution #:5B, 2008
Date Proposed:03/16/2008
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