WHEREAS, Louisiana has thousands of out-of-state students attending the numerous four year colleges in this state, and

WHEREAS, many of these students hunt and fish in their state of residence, and

WHEREAS, nonresident license fees prevent the great majority of these students from being able to hunt and fish in Louisiana, and

WHEREAS, if these non-resident students are given the privilege to hunt and fish in Louisiana at resident fee rates they may remain in this state in a professional capacity upon graduation, and

WHEREAS, hunting license sales are down and fishing license sales are static; allowing full-time nonresident college students to hunt and fish in Louisiana at resident license rates may generate additional revenues to the Louisiana Conservation Fund through the sale of additional hunting and fishing licenses, and

WHEREAS, additional license sales would bring more federal monies to our fish and wildlife programs through the Pittman-Robertson Act (Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration) and the Dingle-Johnson Act (Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration) Programs, and

WHEREAS, making hunting and fishing licenses available to full-time nonresident college students at resident license rates will furnish great recreational opportunities for these students who are away from home.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation urges the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Louisiana Legislature to work together to adopt legislation authorizing the issuance of resident hunting and fishing license privileges for full-time nonresident college students, to be effective upon enactment and prior to the commencement of the 2010/2011 hunting seasons.

Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in convention assembled, February 28, 2010 at Cypress Bend Resort, Many, Louisiana.

Resolution #:13D, 2010
Date Proposed:02/28/2010
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