Limiting Motorized Trails on US Forest Service Land

WHEREAS, in 2009 Louisiana Wildlife Federation passed a resolution entitled “Designated Non-Motorized-Only Areas in Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs);” and

WHEREAS, the same concerns exist on lands managed by the U. S. Forest Service; and

WHEREAS, Grant Parish in 2017 passed a resolution entitled “Against U. S Forestry Service Motorized Relocation Project;” and

WHEREAS, there are 325 miles of trails on Kisatchie National Forest with 180 for motorized-use and 145 for non-motorized only; and

WHEREAS, on Catahoula Ranger District there are 37 miles of trails, 35 of which are for motorcycles and only 2 for non-motorized; and

WHEREAS, trails are currently in great disrepair and in need of maintenance and creating more trails without additional funding is counter-intuitive; and

WHEREAS, the Livingston trail complex was proposed in 1996, yet was never completed; and

WHEREAS, although proposed as multi-use, motorized dirt bikes are not compatible with hiking or non-motorized biking groups; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Socia Branch Trail is within a prime hunting area, and the winding trail would not be safe for riders or hunters, especially for hunters wanting a more quiet and secluded experience not just within the highest use periods for deer and turkey seasons as stated in the proposal; and

WHEREAS, the proposed area is within areas that have been managed for ecosystem restoration and part of both red-cockaded woodpecker and Louisiana pine snake habitat management areas and are not compatible with either species.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Louisiana Wildlife Federation urges the U. S. Forest Service deny the construction of motorized trails as in the proposed Socia Branch Trail location in Kisatchie National Forest and instead reopen the previously proposed Livingston Trail complex.


Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation Board of Directors by email vote on August 12, 2019.

Resolution #:1, 2019
Date Proposed:
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