WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) provided significant assistance to Louisiana in the remedying of the British Petroleum Gulf oil spill during Spring and Summer 2010, and
WHEREAS, NWF provided major funding for the LWF/NWF Coastal Restoration Outreach Coordinator who has enhanced LWF’s effectiveness in the conservation arena and brought favorable exposure to LWF, and
WHEREAS, NWF’s Regional Representative and Regional Director have provided capable assistance during LWF’s Board of Director meetings, Executive Committee functionings, and the planning and implementation of LWF’s 2011 annual convention, and
WHEREAS, NWF provided grant funding for LWF’s membership recruitment programs.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation commends the National Wildlife Federation for its competence and effectiveness, and LWF is highly appreciative of NWF’s wide-ranging assistance in 2010.
Adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife Federation in Convention Assembled, March 20, 2011 in Alexandria, Louisiana