Policy Center

LWF among 30 groups urging Corps to prioritize MRGO ecosystem restoration

November 3, 2023

The MRGO Must Go Coalition – which Louisiana Wildlife Federation is part of – and other community organizations recently submitted a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Army Michael Connor […]

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LWF Raises Concerns to Wildlife & Fisheries over Catahoula Lake

October 19, 2023

LWF has submitted a letter to the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Wildlife & Fisheries Commission highlighting concerns over Catahoula Lake. Catahoula Lake, located in central Louisiana, is […]

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Saltwater Fisheries Will Dominate Commission’s October 5th Meeting

October 4, 2023

Commercial Menhaden Industry Continues to Draw Criticism Members interested in recreational saltwater fishing may want to attend Thursday’s Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting or follow the meeting online. Click […]

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LWF Supports Proposed Changes to Spotted Seatrout; Red Drum

September 20, 2023

LWF Supports Proposed Changes to Spotted Seatrout Rules Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) supports the amended Notice of Intent (NOI) adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission in August to […]

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LWF comments to LDNR on offshore wind concerns in state waters

June 30, 2023

Earlier this year, LWF passed a resolution on offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Mexico and signed on to a letter with other environmental organizations to the federal Bureau […]

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cypress trees in water in swampland

LWF Comments on Louisiana’s Application for Primacy to Permit Class VI Wells

June 29, 2023

Update (1/2/2024): The EPA has approved Louisiana’s application for state primacy. See our updated blog here. You can read Louisiana Wildlife Federation’s full comments to the US EPA about the […]

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LWF submits comments to Corps opposing proposed “One Lake” project

June 27, 2023

(6/26/23) LWF has submitted scoping comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in response to the Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for […]

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LWF Supports nomination of Chandeleur Islands as a Site of Hemispheric Importance

June 16, 2023

Louisiana Wildlife Federation has submitted a letter supporting the nomination of the Chandeleur Islands as a Site of Hemispheric Importance in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN). The WHSRN […]

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Louisiana Legislature unanimously approves Coastal Master Plan and Annual Plan

May 26, 2023

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, Louisiana’s 2023 Coastal Master Plan and Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Plan passed unanimously in the Louisiana Legislature. The Coastal Master Plan serves as the state’s […]

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LWF position on Carbon Sequestration in Louisiana

May 19, 2023

Are you following the carbon sequestration debate related to Lake Maurepas? What does carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) mean for Louisiana? Only one of the many bills filed this […]

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