LWF Supports Proposed Changes to Spotted Seatrout; Red Drum

LWF Supports Proposed Changes to Spotted Seatrout Rules

Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) supports the amended Notice of Intent (NOI) adopted by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission in August to change spotted seatrout rules to:  “establish the minimum size limit of 13 inches and a maximum size limit of 20 inches with an allowance for two fish over the maximum length limit, maintain the proposed 15 fish bag limit, and eliminate the ability for charter guides and/or their deckhands to keep a bag limit while conducting a for-hire trip. The amendments to the proposed Notice of Intent also include a requirement for a stock assessment to be provided to the commission no later than the April 2027 meeting and a sunset of the proposed changes at 12 a.m. on January 1, 2028 unless regulations are modified prior to that date.”

LWF supports the change to one statewide size and bag limit for uniformity in enforcement and ease in understanding the new rules.

This is the second attempt to make a change over the past two years to address the reported decrease in species population. LWF appreciates the difficult choices Commissioners had to weigh to come to this revised decision. Testimony from the public during several Commission meetings clearly showed the concerns recreational anglers have for overfishing speckled trout at this time.  Thank you for continuing to work toward a solution.

Read the full Notice of Intent (NOI) to modify the original NOI and why:


Reports, surveys, and research can be found at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website at  https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/spotted-seatrout.

How You Can Comment:

A public hearing on the proposed substantive changes will be held by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries on September 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at LDWF headquarters in the Joe Herring Room at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70898.

LWF Supports Proposed Changes to Red Drum Rules

Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) supports the proposed changes to red drum adopted by the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission as follows: “modifying the daily size, bag, and possession limit for recreationally harvested red drum from a 16 inch minimum size limit and a 27 inch maximum size limit to an 18 inch minimum size limit total length and a 24 inch maximum size limit total length. Further modifications to the rule also prohibit the retention of any red drum above the maximum size limit of 24 inches total length and prohibits the retention of red drum by captain and crew on charter or headboats.”

LWF acknowledges the red drum stock is in decline and supports these changes that will reduce overfishing and increase the escapement rate to allow for red drum recovery.


How you can comment:

Interested persons may submit comments relative to the proposed Red Drum Rule to Jason Adriance, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000, or via e-mail to jadriance@wlf.la.gov prior to noon on Thursday, October 5, 2023.

Link to read the Notice of Intent (NOI) to change rules on Red Drum:


 The Rule Making Process and Timeline:  

The Commission’s adoption of a Notice of Intent (NOI) is the first of many steps in promulgating a final Rule, which can take between 90 days and one year.  Once adopted, the NOI will be published in the State Register and begin the public comment period.  The Commission will consider all public comments received and may make any changes they deem necessary or appropriate.  Absent any amendments to the NOI by the Commission, the proposed Rule will be sent to the Legislative Oversight Committee for their review.  Upon expiration of the 30-day oversight period, or upon a favorable review by the Oversight Committee, the Rule can be published as final in the State Register.

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