The Louisiana Wildlife Federation held its 77th Annual Convention on August 19-20, 2016 at the Red River National Wildlife Refuge in Bossier City, Louisiana. On Friday evening, members and guests enjoyed an informal food and drink social along with a silent auction, focusing on conservation concerns and spreading the Wildlife Federation message at the local, state and national level.






Saturday’s board of director’s luncheon featured a presentation on the Red River NWR from refuge manager Pat Stinson and a delicious fish fry, with the luncheon including elections of officers, the executive committee, LWF’s representative to NWF and the alternate representative, and the District Vice Presidents.






Thanks to host affiliate Friends of the Red River NWR and members of the Shreveport Society for Nature Study – Bird Study Group for helping welcome us to northwest Louisiana this year. Additionally, we want to thank our and celebrate the Legacy Sponsors: Mark Shurtz, Clint & Virginia Mouser, Bob & Norma Stewart, Barney & Donna Callahan, Warren & Jodie Singer, and S & S Mechanical Services, Inc.






Saturdays main order of business was the convening of the Conservation Committee and General Assembly to consider and debate resolutions that establish the policy for LWF work on conservation issues. To see the resolutions approved, visit: https://lawildlifefed.org/content.cfm?new=559&id=177



Resolution No. 1A, 2016: Review of the Triploid Restriction on Grass Carp.


Resolution No. 2B, 2016: Support for Increased Funding to Maintain and Operate Louisiana.


Resolution No. 3E, 2016: Ban Open Burning of Munitions and Waste Explosives in Louisiana.


Resolution No. 4B, 2016: Segmented Breakwaters for Coastal Restoration Projects.


Resolution No.5B, 2016: Support for Maintaining Public Lands and Their Proper Management


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