Help protect 45,000 acres of Maurepas Swamp!

The Mississippi River Delta is one of ten watersheds across the Gulf that the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) has chosen to focus on to leverage funds to address critical ecosystem needs in high priority locations. The Council awarded funding for engineering and design for the River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp project in 2015. The project is also a priority in the State’s 2017 Coastal Master Plan. It would only make sense for the Council to continue its support of this project so that it may be completed as soon as possible to prevent further land loss, conversion to open water, and rising salinity levels throughout the entire Pontchartrain Basin.

Construction of the River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp project could finally be on the horizon with a vote by the Council to include the project in its Funded Priorities List.

The Council will be voting on projects to include in its Funded Priorities List in early 2020. The public review period begins on December 9, 2019 and will conclude at on January 10, 2020.  More information can be found on the Council’s website at

The two large-scale proposals under consideration in FPL 3a are the River Reintroduction into the Maurepas Swamp in Louisiana, and conservation of critical coastal habitat in the Perdido watershed in Alabama. The proposed FPL 3a will adhere to the FPL development processes committed to by the Council, particularly as they relate to best available science, public engagement and transparency, and the Council’s recently finalized Planning Framework.

To submit comments to the RESTORE Council, please click the link to our Action Alert below – it just takes a few clicks and you can send it as is or edit it with your own personal message.

Maurepas Swamp is in dire need of restoration and your support can help move the project along to finally reach construction!

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