Rehearing of Case Affecting Catahoula Lake Ownership is Denied

Louisiana Wildlife Federation is following the Catahoula Lake case closely. You can read a recent article in Louisiana Record on Steve Crooks and Era Lea Crooks vs. State of Louisiana, Department of Natural Resources, including quotes from LWF’s Executive Director Rebecca Triche HERE.

Last week, the Louisiana Supreme Court issued their decision to not rehear the case. The lower court’s decision that essentially declares Catahoula Lake as a river that floods and not a type of lake as we’ve thought it to be for nearly 200 years stands. A portion of what was thought to be a public waterbody is declared private.

What are the ramifications of this decision? We are waiting to hear what the State and the Louisiana Attorney General’s office will respond with next. Here’s some background from last year on the case and our interest in it.

In the short term, LWF leaders are asking how will the boundaries be determined for what is private and what is public? How will this important wildlife and fish habitat be managed now? Expect more updates soon.

You can also read the Attorney General’s response to the Louisiana Supreme Court’s decision in January 2020 that will save the State a lot of money from a previous judgement on this case at: 

1 thought on “Rehearing of Case Affecting Catahoula Lake Ownership is Denied”

  1. Pingback: LWF Raises Concerns to Wildlife & Fisheries over Catahoula Lake - Louisiana Wildlife Federation

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