LWF supports CPRA FY 2022 Annual Plan; how you can help

UPDATE (6/74/21):
The FY22 Annual Plan was passed unanimously by the Louisiana Legislature. The final plan can be viewed here.


(April 20, 2021)

LWF signed onto a comment letter in support of the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Plan. You can read those comments here.

The Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Plan (SCR9) is making its way through the Louisiana Legislature.

You can help by contacting your legislators. Find who your state senator and representatives are and send them an email telling them to vote Yes on SCR9. Comments are due by March 27, 2021.

The plan anticipates investing $887 million in Louisiana’s coast with 71% of that amount going directly to constructing projects. Key takeaways from the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Plan include:

  • 90% of expenditures going to project implementation & maintenance
  • 110 active projects (over half in the construction phase)
  • 9 active projects in SW La; 35 in S Central La; 66 in SE La
  • 19 dredging projects slated for construction which would nourish nearly 15,000 acres of coastal wetlands

Major projects include:

  • Barataria Basin Ridge & Marsh Creation – Spanish Pass Increment: Dredging 16 million cubic yards of material from the Mississippi River to build 1,670 acres of marsh and ridge, the largest marsh creation project built in the Barataria Basin by both acres built and volume dredged.
  • Bayou Chene Floodgate: Completing construction and installation of a permanent floodgate across Bayou Chene to reduce backwater flooding in St. Mary Parish and portions of five other parishes, alleviating the repeated need and expense of sinking temporary barges during storm emergencies. 
  • Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex: The largest public works project in Terrebonne Parish history, this integrated restoration and hurricane protection project will distribute much needed fresh water to surrounding marshes and serve as a key feature in the Morganza to the Gulf hurricane protection system.
  • Lake Borgne Marsh Creation – Increment One: Reestablishing the bay rim and approx. 2,816 acres of intertidal marsh habitat near Shell Beach in St. Bernard Parish. 
  • River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp: Building a gated channel to divert needed fresh water and nutrients from the Mississippi River into the Maurepas Swamp to revitalize and restore 45,000 acres of coastal swamp forest. 
  • Terrebonne Basin Barrier Island & Beach Nourishment: Using approximately nine million cubic yards of sand dredged from the Gulf of Mexico to create and restore more than 1,000 acres of beach, dune, and marsh habitat on portions of Trinity-East Island, Timbalier Island, and the West Belle Pass Headland on the southern perimeter of the Terrebonne Basin.
  • West Shore Lake Pontchartrain: A hurricane and storm damage risk reduction levee spanning 18.5 miles across St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James Parishes.
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