Tell Governor Edwards to Save our Redfish

In a disappointing move on Tuesday, November 7, the Joint Natural Resources committee voted to reject the Notice of Intent for new redfish rules approved by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission in October putting the recovery of Louisiana’s redfish (red drum) in jeopardy.

The Committee’s action comes despite extensive study and analysis provided by biologists at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) that states definitively that the redfish population is in decline in Louisiana waters and overfishing is occurring. This report makes it clear that immediate action is needed to ensure the fishery remains sustainable now, and in the future.   

In July, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission approved a Notice of Intent for new regulations allowing a creel limit of three (3) redfish per person per day, which is down from the five (5) fish limit currently in effect and increased the slot size to a minimum of 18” and a maximum of 24”, with no fish allowed over 24”. These new regulations are based on the best science available and would allow the red drum fishery to fully recover by 2033, which is far quicker than other proposals would allow. We can’t wait until 2050 to get redfish at a sustainable point.

Although the committee’s rejection is a setback to the recovery of our prized Red Drum fishery, the fight to save our redfish is not over. It’s time for you to make your voice heard. Governor John Bel Edwards has the power to overturn the Committee’s decision and allow the more prudent rules approved by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to take effect.

We need you to let Governor Edwards know that you are in favor of saving our redfish so they can be caught and enjoyed by generations to come. Tell Gov. Edwards to overturn the Joint Natural Resources Committee’s decision and immediately adopt the LWF Commission’s approved regulations for redfish. 

Don’t let overfishing destroy Louisiana’s prized Red Drum fishery. It’s easy to make your voice heard. Simply click HERE to take action and email the Governor with a message of support or call his office at (225) 342-7015 or (866) 366-1121.

Louisiana won’t be the Sportsman’s Paradise for long if we don’t act NOW!


Good information on the documented decline in redfish population and recommendations:

Hot Topic: Red Drum

Read the Notice of Intent (NOI) on proposed changes to Red Drum harvest:

NOI on Bag Limit, slot for Red Drum

Watch the full Joint Committee on Natural Resources oversight hearing:

Joint Committee Natural Resources Oversight Hearing Nov. 7, 2023

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