Louisiana is missing opportunities for conservation; HCR 55 aims to fix that

UPDATE (6/10/21):
The bill to establish an Outdoor Conservation Study Group (HCR 55 by Rep. Zeringue) passed unanimously. We expect the study group to produce a report by February 1, 2022 and make recommendations to establish a fund that would conserve Louisiana’s priority habitats. Thanks for your messages in support. We’re excited to see Louisiana Forever move forward.
 Visit Louisiana Forever to learn more.

(May 5, 2021)

Too often, Louisiana has not had the matching funds needed for opportunities available through public and private sources when it comes to conserving important lands and waters in urban and rural areas throughout our state.  These opportunities include conserving habitats that improve drinking water quality and support commercial and recreational uses. Working lands and forests in our state play an essential role in maintaining healthy natural habitats and economic productivity yet we often have little resources to put toward stewardship opportunities that would benefit citizens and wildlife alike.

To conserve Louisiana’s abundant fish and wildlife for future generations and protect important lands and waters now, we need to put in place dedicated funding that adequately meets the needs of conservation in our state.

Our “Sportsman’s Paradise” offers exceptional recreational opportunities. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, more citizens visited outdoor areas and enjoyed the mental and physical health benefits being outdoors in nature can provide. The economic benefits are apparent. Commercial and recreational activities that rely on our natural resources inject billions of dollars into our economy annually.

Many states in the Southeast Region and 38 states in the U.S. have established a dedicated source of conservation funding that allows them to greatly leverage their investment in conserving important habitats. It’s time for Louisiana to take a great idea and make it ours.

Please show your support for HCR 55 by Representative Zeringue that would create the Outdoor Conservation Study Group to make recommendations on how to establish potential funding mechanisms, form a transparent administrative process for these funds, and identify the criteria needed to prioritize investments in conservation. You can be sure that Louisiana Wildlife Federation will monitor this effort and see it through. Check out the benefits and opportunities HERE.

Let’s invest in Louisiana Forever — for wildlife, for us today, and for our children’s future.

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