Take Action for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act in US Senate

Did you see the Federation’s guest column in The Advocate? LWF and NWF, along with many other organizations, are moving Recovering America’s Wildlife Act to the finish line. We’re so close to enacting the most significant wildlife conservation legislation in decades.

Wildlife needs you! Please take a moment to ask Senator Cassidy and Senator Kennedy to support Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). It passed the House and we’re expecting it to be heard in the Senate after the mid-term election.

This is an incredible opportunity to make a real difference in conservation funding. Currently, Louisiana receives less than a $1 million through State and Tribal Wildlife Grants to attempt to conserve the 362 priority species identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan. These species range from the Northern Bobwhite Quail to the Alligator Snapping Turtle. The Whooping Crane needs long-term recovery as does the Louisiana Pine Snake and many other lesser-known birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish that are native to Louisiana. Let’s make sure these amazing species get the help they need to recover and thrive.

If passed, RAWA will make Louisiana eligible for $15 million annually to address our plants and animals of significant concern. RAWA will be great for our rural economy and allow the state to create incentives for landowners who want to conserve and restore habitats on their land, on a voluntary basis. Funding from the bill will help restore our wetlands, grasslands, and forests. It will address Louisiana’s invasive species challenges and improve water quality. This is a fiscally-responsible, commonsense approach to protecting Louisiana’s wildlife heritage.

Send your message today to let Louisiana’s senators know you support passage of RAWA.

More information about Recovering America’s Wildlife Act in Louisiana:



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