LWF comments in support of Final EIS for Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion

LWF has submitted comment in support of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion. This puts the project in the final home stretch before construction can begin! (LWF had previously submitted a letter to the Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources in support of issuance of the required Coastal Use Permit for the project.)

A final record of decision is expected in late December with construction anticipated for early 2023.

Thanks to all of our members and supporters that have spoken in support of this much needed project!

“The Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion is the cornerstone of Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan – which LWF has always supported – and will help support and enhance the lifespan of other coastal restoration and protection projects. Combined with other proposed restoration projects, the MBSD would build and preserve more than 17,000 acres of wetlands over the next 30 years. In the first decade alone, the diversion is projected to create more than 6,200 acres of land.  Using diversions as a method of coastal restoration has been studied for over 35 years; the results of these studies over the last few decades has made it clear that reconnecting the river to the delta is the most viable option to combat coastal land loss. We don’t have decades more to waste.

While dredging has played an important role in Louisiana’s coastal restoration efforts, it has not been deemed a viable alternative for restoration of this region. The MBSD will deliver a continuous flow of water and sediment, allowing the system to restore its ecological functions over time.”

Read LWF’s full comment letter here.

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