LWF Comments on Governor Landry’s Executive Order to Reorganize CPRA

Governor Landry has signed Executive Order JML 24-13 which calls for moving the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) from an independent, stand-alone agency to one that would be under the purview of the Louisiana Department of Energy and Natural Resources (LDENR). By putting CPRA under a much larger agency, it would diminish the agency’s ability to continue its task of restoring and protecting our coast.

When this executive order was first released, LWF presented formal comments to the relevant agencies explaining why LWF opposes this directive.

In short, the momentum gained since the state consolidated work in CPRA has been tremendous. Accolades for Louisiana’s planning and management of coastal restoration through CPRA, from national and international interests, has been a bright spot of pride for our state. To be seen as a leader in a field that needs engineering, construction, and research is certainly where Louisiana should continue striving to stay on top. CPRA as it is formed today has gotten us to that level.

The coastal zone comprises nearly half our state and is home to a majority of our citizens. The complex levels of coordination among agencies and with local and federal entities while looking toward the expanding footprints of new energy production in Louisiana’s coast requires an agency like CPRA to manage the larger picture.

One of LWF’s ongoing concerns is assuring our coastal estuaries are allowed to remain as natural in function as possible to maintain the renowned productivity in seafood and wildlife that Louisiana has historically enjoyed and benefitted from. To have CPRA focused on balancing protection and restoration is vital. The planning process needed to strike this balance and possible trade-offs should not be buried in one agency or another. We have been there before as a state.

Read LWF’s full comments:

LWF Comments on Executive Order JML 24-13

1 thought on “LWF Comments on Governor Landry’s Executive Order to Reorganize CPRA”

  1. Pingback: LWF Concerned about Direction and Future of Coastal Program, CPRA - Louisiana Wildlife Federation

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