RAWA passes US House, Thanks for your messages

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). This bill would provide resources to prevent wildlife extinctions by funding locally-led and voluntary conservation efforts. If it becomes law, Louisiana will receive about $15 million to help 362  species of concern. Thanks to Congressman Carter for voting for RAWA, which is the most significant wildlife conservation bill in a half century.

Funding from RAWA will be used to implement the Congressionally-mandated state wildlife action plans, which identify more than 12,000 wildlife and plants that need conservation assistance nationwide.

RAWA will be great for our rural economy and allow the state to create incentives for landowners who want to conserve and restore habitats on their land, on a voluntary basis. Funding from the bill will help restore our wetlands, grasslands and forests. It will address Louisiana’s invasive species challenges and it will improve water quality. This is a fiscally-responsible, commonsense approach to protecting Louisiana’s wildlife heritage.

More about species of concern in Louisiana: LDWF Fact Sheet

LWF and NWF Support RAWA for Louisiana


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