Show your support for the coast at Coastal Day at the Legislature

This is an important time to speak up for our coast. With a change in administration and newly elected legislators, it’s important that all decision makers understand the importance of maintaining a strong and effective coastal program.

Monday, March 25, 2024 is Coastal Day at the Louisiana Legislature! This is an important opportunity to support coastal communities, ecosystems and economies as we highlight all the great progress that has been made in restoring south Louisiana and engage our state’s decision makers on the critical work that still needs to be done.

This event, which occurs during the regular session of the Louisiana Legislature, is a celebration of coastal successes and an opportunity for community members to bring attention to the needs of Louisiana’s coast.  

This year, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) released the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Plan. It includes many of the largest coastal restoration and protection projects the state has undertaken. The next fiscal year’s budget is the largest ever investment in our coast at $1.68 billion – with less than $25 million coming from state funding. CPRA consistently leverages non-state funding. Only 1% of that $1.68 billion is planning dollars. The vast majority of funds are for project implementation and operation. Since 2007, CPRA has seen success in the form of 358 miles of levee improvement, 60 miles of barrier island and headland restoration, and restoration project benefits covering 82 square miles of coastal habitat. This is real progress and we must ensure that it continues.

On Thursday, March 14, the CPRA Board unanimously approved the FY25 Annual Plan. Next, it will head to the Louisiana Legislature where it must get final approval. Not only is this a monumental year in terms of restoration progress, but it is also an important year to speak up in support of this work and the momentum that so many concerned citizens and other stakeholders have helped create.

The coastal program is currently very robust with over $1 billion expected over the next few years. However, a great majority of our current funding for coastal projects is the result of the BP oil spill. We cannot rely on environmental disasters to fund coastal restoration and protection. In 2032, we will hit a “coastal fiscal cliff” when those settlement dollars run out. It is critical that every effort is made to fill that gap before 2032.

Prioritizing coastal restoration is a win for the entire state, as it protects many assets of importance not only to the state but to the entire nation. Louisiana has made tremendous progress in recent years, and there is an unprecedented level of restoration activity around the state. We must make sure this progress continues.

We must ensure Louisiana’s coastal program remains a priority to protect the businesses, residents, and wildlife that rely on a healthy coast. Future generations deserve for Louisiana to remain a Sportsman’s Paradise.

Coastal Day Events

Coastal Day at the Louisiana Legislature is hosted by the Restore the Mississippi River Delta, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority and the Coast Builders Coalition. The day will be a unique opportunity to hear from Governor Jeff Landry, CPRA Chairman Gordon Dove and other coastal leaders and for you to speak with your legislators and other decision makers in person about why coastal restoration matters to you.  

Coastal Day will conclude across the street from the Capitol at the Pentagon Barracks. Join us for some Louisiana seafood, local brews, more opportunities to learn about the progress on the coast from agency staff and to engage decision makers.

As someone who cares deeply about the coast, you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak one-on-one with your legislators and other coastal leaders.

Visit the Coastal Day website to learn more about the day’s agenda.

Can’t attend in person? You can still take part in the spirit of the day by letting your legislators know why you care about the coast and why they should continue to keep our coastal program a priority.

Let’s encourage continued progress and make it clear to incoming and returning decision-makers that prioritizing the coast is a win for us all.

Coastal Day Agenda (March 25, 2024)

11:00 a.m.           Tour of the LSU Center for River Studies (RSVP to
12:00 pm.            Lunch for Coastal Stakeholders (RSVP required)
1:00 p.m.             Briefing with Governor Jeff Landry, CPRA Chairman Gordy Dove, and Legislators
2:00 p.m.             Tabling in Memorial Hall and Legislative Engagement (speak with your legislators)
3:00 p.m.             Stakeholder Panel: Valued Partners
4:30 p.m.             Seafood Boil and Reception
See full agenda details and area map at

There will also be some industry events happening (virtually) the week prior to Coastal Day (March 18-22) and a business networking/matchmaking event at 8am March 25. Learn more about those opportunities here.

How you can support Coastal Day

  • If you’re interested in meeting with your legislators and taking part in other Coastal Day activities, contact Stacy Ortego, LWF Coastal Policy Manager, at
    (Not sure who your legislators are? No problem! Find out here.)
  • Send a message to your legislators and let them know why coastal restoration and protection matters to you and why they should continue to support a strong coastal program for Louisiana.
  • Share this with friends and family that care about our coast!

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