85th Annual Convention Packed with Information, Discussions, and Several Key Resolutions

LWF’s 85th Annual Convention was held in Lafayette, LA August 16-17. The convention began with a meeting of LWF’s Board of Directors on Friday, followed by the 2024 General Assembly on Saturday.  

The General Assembly was attended by more than 35 board members, affiliate leaders, members, and guests who worked through a jam-packed agenda that included passing the gavel to a new LWF president, swearing in the new executive committee, awarding the President’s Cup, and debating four important resolutions.  

Outgoing president Zac Burson gaveled the meeting to order and then promptly passed the gavel to our new president, Marty Floyd. Marty is a past president, long-time member and active with several of LWF’s affiliates.  


We can’t thank Zac enough for his dedication and leadership during his term as president from 2021 to 2024. He was instrumental in guiding LWF successfully through, at times, uncharted waters. LWF has an updated strategic plan, new staff positions, and increased membership numbers. While Zac is no longer president, he will continue to serve on the executive committee along with several other LWF committees.  

 With the gavel now firmly in the hands of Marty, he and the other officers and executive committee were sworn in by National Wildlife Federation Board Member, Allyn Dukes. The members of 2024 Executive Committee are President Marty Floyd, Vice President Charles Williams, Secretary Mark Shurtz, Treasurer John Miller, Zac Burson, Jonny Fryar, Charlie Pfeifer, Bob Stewart, and Larry Raymond.  

The highlight of the day, as it always is at LWF’s General Assembly, was the awarding of the President’s Cup. The recipient of this prestigious award is chosen by the president in consultation with the executive director. This year’s well-deserving recipient is Mark Shurtz. Mark has served as Secretary since 2016 and has been a selfless volunteer and advocate for LWF. This past year, Mark helped revitalize the Youth Hunter of the Year program. He is also an active participant on several LWF Committees.  

Along with facilitating crucial governance activities, the General Assembly is the venue for debating resolutions that focus on issues facing Louisiana’s wildlife and natural resources. Once passed, these resolutions serve as guideposts for LWF’s advocacy, communications, and outreach efforts. This year the members and affiliate leaders in attendance voted to approve three important resolutions. The resolutions can be found on our website. Simply click the links below.  

We want to thank everyone who attended this year’s Annual Convention meetings. Your voice for Louisiana’s wildlife and natural resources is vital to ensuring Louisiana will continue to be the Sportsman’s Paradise for generations to come.  


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